East Màcdonnell Ranges

Decided to explore the East ranges today along the Ross Hwy .
Emily's Gap and Jessie Gap...both spectacular gaps in the range created by water with Sandy creek beds through the middle.
Corroboree Rock was next stop ...a thin slither of rock standing alone....as we walked around we could see a couple of holes right through.
All of these places are Aboriginal sacred sites.
Trephina Gorge was another spot to walk through the gorge along the sandy bed or around the cliffs....the biggest Ghost Gum in Australia....33m high , 300 years old and beautiful!
Lunch at an old homestead at the end of the road...on the Ross River....serving Ross burgers....Ross chose a vegetarian burger....it came with bacon and an egg!
Last visit was to N'Dhala Gorge.......supposed to have thousands of petroglyphs...we picked a couple but are clearly not very good at finding them.


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