
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lockdown extended!!

We have done all the washing, Ross has donated blood, we have each finished a book and played all the games we have.......then the announcement came.....lockdown extended to 1 pm Friday!!!!! At least we can go for a walk and we have the beach at Lee Point to go to. Nice walk with lots of criss crossing cycle paths. A very long beach .....lots of people out walking. Turkey bush bright purple....we have been told that if you burn it it is a good mosquito repellant.


Left Litchfield past massive solar farms and mango plantations. Just over 1 hr to drive to the Northern edge of Darwin. When we got here we were told that Darwin and surrounds were going into lockdown for 48 hrs....starting 15 mins after we arrived!!!.....we thought we had dodged the lockdowns!! We had no food so braved Woolworths....infact the mad crowds had settled and it was very quiet. We are able to do 1 hr exercise a day so went for a walk as it cooled down...we are in Lee Point so there is a lovely long beach with walking and cycling paths along it. Got there just in time for a sunset over the ocean. It is a dog beach....lots of excited dogs running about.....made us wish we had Harry with us. State of Origin.....a non contest, Wimbledon starts tomorrow.

Lost City

Started today at Tolmer swimming but a great lookout and circular walk. The gorge is off limits protecting the habitat of rare bats and wallabies.....looking down at the rock pool the water was so clear we could see rocks on the bottom. Drove on to "The Lost City" via a 4x4 track. With some imagination the rock formations could have been the remnants of old temples like we have seen in the jungle in Cambodia. Final swim in Burley Waterholes on the way home....very busy but we managed to find a spot to cool off and sit under a waterfall.


Wangi Falls....water level still too high to swim after the big wet season they have had but we were able to walk up to the top of the falls and back again in a loop walk. A bit about crocs They swim upstream during the wet and can end up hundreds of kms inland We think places are closed until they are declared "salty free". To do this they leave massive baited cage traps, they leave plastic buoys that the crocs bite, leaving teeth marks and they inspect. As you may guess they don't guarantee. You always swim at your own risk Bats, palm trees and eucalypts in the monsoon forest. Cafe was open but working on 50% staff like everywhere seasonal workers due to Covid. Went on to Tjaetaba falls where we again walked up to the top of the falls and there were 2 rockpools to swim in....beautiful little waterfall and clear deep water just before it plunged over the cliff. Discovered the lady in the van next door went to school with me 2 years ahea

Florence Falls

Had our first rain for 3 1/2 mths last night....sounded strange on the roof of the van. Walked down to the pool at the base of Florence Falls .... spectacular falls and great swimming spot.....again full to overflowing with people....we have got used to having these beautiful spots to ourselves or sharing with just a few people. Walked up stream to Burley Rockholes.....a whole series of waterholes seperated by rocky small falls. Worked our way from the upper pool to the bottom one....the water was lovely. A pair of Gould's Monitors in the bottom pool.... unconcerned by the people about. Everything is about water here. More rain in the evening.

Exit Kakadu

Definately time to move on.....Cooinda ( and it's very nice pool ) is now full of children and young people doing a quick noisy 2 week tour of NT. Drove to Jabiru....boabs are gone, large striking orange grevillias and termite mounds have returned. Jabiru is a bit sad after the closing of the uranium mine. Supermarket sells fridges, washing machines and TVs as well as a small supply of fresh fruit and veg. Crocodile hotel is still here....exactly the same as when we stayed 30 yrs ago. It did a good coffee, had internet and was air-conditioned.....perfect for an hour. Drove on to Litchfield plantations on the explore tomorrow.

Jim Jim

We are lucky that Jim Jim Falls opened 2 days ago, Twin Falls is still not open... the creek crossing is still too deep. The dirt road in was good...recently graded for the first 50km but reduced to a track for the last 10 km with several creek crossings. 1 hr walk scrambling over rocks brought us to "The Beach".....we swam up to the rocky divide and scrambled over to the falls and plunge pool  Sheer cliffs with a waterfall at the head of a large circular pool. No sunlight got to the bottom of the cliffs and the water was very cold  Swam out to the falls and sat on a ledge under the falls....not super powerful but like a tropical rain shower. Swam back, clambered over the rocky divide and back to the beach. Had to then walk around to the falls to get a photo. As we walked back along the creek there were "No swimming" signs and a Croc trap...empty but baited. It was another great day, another stunning waterfall and plunge pool.....

Waterfall and Salties

Went out to Maguk this morning...corrugated sandy road then a walk along the creek, some rock scrambling....then there it was...yet another stunning waterfall cascading down into a deep water hole. Fantastic swimming out to the waterfall, water warm....lots of fish including large barramundi.....this is Barramundi Gorge. Look at that!! This afternoon we did a sunset cruise on yellow waters billabong. Crocodiles got more active as the sun caught a big fish infront of us! Jabiru by the water.....very big birds with long legs, whistling kites, white breasted sea eagles, little birds running on the Lilly leaves, buffalo and a feral pigs grazing...(.not welcome in the park .) As the sun set beautiful colours and reflections.


Spent the day in the Norlangie or Burrungkuy area of the park. Rock art galleries showing different kinds and ages of art. Mimi spirit figures , animals, fish and turtle. Lots to see at Norlangie rock. Went on to Anbangbang billabong....not yet able to walk right round but walked as far as we crocks but lots of Birdlife and water lillies. Walked up a rocky peak....great lookout over Kakadu and back to the Arnhem Escarpment. More rock art after a hot afternoon walk to the Nanguluwurr site....again lots of paintings but in particular a lot of "X-ray" paintings. We were ready for a swim and cold was a hot day!

Edith Falls

The lower pool is huge with a waterfall cascading down from the pool above....swam out to the waterfall and had the water crashing down on our heads and backs.....400 m each way to swim. Quick coffee and cake then we walked up to the top walk so we happily jumped straight in.....had to swim hard up a narrow canal to the pool below the falls....again a vigorous pounding from the waterfall before floating back down the canal. Just beautiful!!! Met Deb, Les, Robyn and Tony at the top pool. Walked back down before another swim out to the waterfall at the head of the lower pool....hard to tear ourselves away. All had dinner at a busy grill bar....lots of Barra on the menu.

Katherine Gorge

Katherine is overflowing with people....queues at the Woolies checkout were ridiculous. Went on a cruise of the first 3 gorges. Beautiful cliffs walls and lots of permanent water. Had to get out, walk a short distance and get in another boat at each gorge. In the 3rd Gorge walked up to a swimming hole...warm clear and so refreshing as it was a hot day, 35 degrees. Return trip just as lovely. Approaching the boat jetty trees on both sides of the gorge were dripping in bats....hundreds of thousands of bats....all hanging upside down flapping their wings to keep cool. Met Deb and Les and friends for drinks and nibbles....great to see them.


We have crossed the NT one present....just drive straight through....nothing confiscated. Speed limit is now 130 km/ hr....makes our sedate 85 seem very slow.....we wave everyone past! Overnight at Victoria River half way to Katherine....nice reception and no TV. Arrived in Katherine to another public holiday...our second Queens birthday celebration....WA did it last a result everything closed  Today have visited the Hot Springs.... beautiful...clear, warm water....32 degrees. Lovely to float on your back down 100 m from the top pool, between the palm trees under a bridge to the bottom pool. Great spot!!

Just Walkin'

Walked up to a lookout over our section of Lake Argyle...looking at the dam and jetty....great view. In the afternoon walked the other way to a point looking over the Ord River below the dam wall. Cooled off in the infinity pool overlooking the lake. Dinner with entertainment laid on.....another great day!!

Just Crusin'

Spent the day on Lake Argyle. This lake is enormous with a very tiny dam wall...clever engineering! It contains 21 Sydney extended to the horizon with mountain peaks remaining as islands...very picturesque, very unusual view as the lake and sky merged with no sign of where each finished. Found short eared rock wallabies on one island,  fish that spit water spouts at you on another, cattle on one, searched for Zebra Rocks on another island, bird watching where the Ord River flows into the lake...whistling kites, white breasted sea eagles and pelicans amongst many. Finished it off with a sunset swim with a glass of champagne. Beautiful colours and so many stars as we made our way back to the jetty.

Lake Argyle

Very early start this morning to make sure we got a site at Lake Argyle...they take no bookings and we all had to que up and hope enough people leave. We were lucky! Walked down to Lake Argyle where we were able to swim....the water was warm and deep and a pontoon provided in the water.....preferable to the very stylish infinity pool overlooking the lake but very cold and jam packed full of people. Visited the Argyle homestead built by the Durack family.....originally in the valley flooded to create the lake but moved stone by stone to be recreated on high ground. An amazing story of resilient people ....currently listening to Kings in Grass Castles as an audio book. Watched the setting sun on the mountain side opposite...... sitting on the lawn with a very amusing singer entertaining us all as we drank our wine and nibbled our snacks. OMG we should have done this years ago!!!!

Ord River

Explored Mirimba National Park ...the mini Bungle Bungles....similar colouring and weathering of the sandstone. Walked into the valley and up to a lookout....great views of the formations. Found out the the tree we have been seeing everywhere with bright yellow flowers and seed pods forming is a Kapoc tree...very striking at present and growing profusely in the East Kimberlies. After lunch rode our bikes along the river to the swimming beach which is just above the dam....nice cool swinging from a rope hanging from a tree in the water. Rode back a different way and discovered a bar in an old pump house....good reason to stop for a cold drink....massive cat fish under the verandah....going crazy if anything was thrown into the water. Cheese and bickies with our fellow Roadstar owners....also from Sydney.


Kununurra on a public holiday. Coles and Argyle Diamonds were the only places open. Fortunately Coles was open as we had no food left except 1 bendy carrot and 4 slices of bread. Argyle Diamonds we gave a miss. Our caravan park is right on the lake....very picturesque....went for a walk along the shore of the lake and ....guess what... Just sitting there on the grass...mouth open ..cooling off....did not move as we walked past. Found our first fellow Roadstar owners...not the same model but similar age and similar minor problems.


Spent the day at Parry's and accommodation being run by grey nomads due to lack of seasonal workers....they were on the news last night due to the flood of tourists up here. Several lagoons....lots of bird crocs showing themselves.

El Questro

Another fabulous day! Drove out to El Questro....a couple of water crossings on the way.Bought a day pass and headed up to Zebedee water springs. 28-32 degrees all year round. Walked through Liverstonia palms and found people lying and sitting in multiple pools of crystal clear water. Very warm was lovely....we joined the procession from pool to pool and under the waterfall. Tore ourselves away when our fingers and toes were wrinkley. Nice lunch at Emma Gorge then walked up the rocky track to the pool at the base of cliffs.....lots of little clear pools as we walked upstream but the final pool took our breath away. Steep cliffs with a small waterfall coming from the top....large deep swimming pool. Ahhh!!!!!! Lying on you back looking up at the water droplets falling and the ferny walls to the gorge..... beautiful. Saw an Olive Python on our walk back down the gorge.....made Ross' day.


The landscape here is quite different to what we have seen over the past few weeks. There are mountains and winding roads....not arrow straight roads across vast plains. We viewed Wyndham from a lookout showing it to be surrounded by extensive mud flats at the confluence of 5 rivers. The local museum in the old town was interesting....all the usual old brick a brac but also photos of the early settlement, aboriginals chained at the neck in groups of 3 and forced to do hard labour....maybe for stealing a sheep.....maybe for nothing at all. After lunch went for a swim at The Grotto.....164 rock steps down to a deep permenant water hole at the bottom of an Ampitheatre cliff. Apparently there is a huge waterfall into it during the wet. Beautiful spot, water was refreshing, as this winter's day it was 35C uptop.


We have had a very long day.....bumping our way along a corrugated dirt road...multiple creek crossings ...56km took 2 hrs. Headed down to the Bungle Bungle range....the sandstone rock formations are amazing....domes, beehives...what ever you call them they are quite unique with their orange and black stripes. The rock formations were on too large a scale to convey in a photo.....drones not allowed. Walked in to cathedral gorge between the domes....large area under a cliff....white sand and a little water remaining. then on to Echidna Chasm. A very narrow chasm 180m deep cut through the went on an on twisting and some places the walls were less than 2 metres could imagine the water thundering down in the wet....sweeping everything with it. Then another bone shuddering 21/2 hour trip home....a great day....dinner and drinks around the pit fire.